The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute is an independent, not-for-profit research facility, dedicated to the memory of cardiac surgeon Dr Victor Chang and his passionate belief in the power of discovery.
Founded in 1994, the Institute has grown to become a world-class cardiac research and research training facility.
Our team of over 170 full-time staff work across five main Research Divisions Cardiac Physiology & Transplantation, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Molecular Cardiology & Biophysics, Vascular Biology and Molecular, Structural & Computational Biology.
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of excellence in our research, research training and efforts to translate each new discovery into practical medical applications.
Tours usually take place on Tuesday or Thursday mornings, and last for about 1.5 hours.
You'll be served a complimentary morning tea on arrival, while a senior staff member introduces you to the Institute and the overall direction of their research.
After dividing into smaller groups, you'll be introduced to one of their scientists who'll guide you through a couple of the research laboratories and explain the work that is taking place.